Grant proposal writing
The proWiss online courses and webinars on grant proposal writing increase your chances of obtaining research funding from German funding agencies and foundations. For researchers of the Global South obtaining research grants is essential – not only to receive the financial resources for carrying out an innovative research project, but also to promote international visibility and cooperations with other researchers, for example in Germany.
The precise step-by-step guide and practical exercises in the online courses and webinars will guide you in a well-structured and easy-to-use way to a submission-ready funding application and increase your chances of research funding.
Structuring a research grant proposal
Based on the typical structure of a research grant proposal, you will be guided through the typical proposal sections and understand the logical structure of a grant proposal. This typical structure can be easily adapted to the requirements of the funding organisation of your choice and is suitable for all academic disciplines. The systematic step-by-step guide based on the typical structure and logical organisation of a grant proposal helps you to write your proposal text in such a way that it meets the structural and formal requirements of your chosen funding organisation – for example the DAAD, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and many more… It also helps you to ensure that all the necessary information is included.
Content-related guidance
The online courses and webinars also show you how to clearly communicate the overall objective of your research project and all other resulting aspects in your proposal. This will help you to strengthen your arguments and prove that you are an expert in the field of research.
Addressee-oriented writing
The online courses and webinars also teach you how to write a proposal clearly and comprehensibly with the reviewers in mind. This helps to make your grant proposal even more convincing.
At a glance
The online courses and webinars offer instructions on how to
- match your research idea / proposal text with the content and formal requirements of the funding organisation
- structure the research grant proposal
- create a work plan
- prepare a budget plan
- with
text templates and tips for reviewer-oriented writing - insider tips from reviewers
Who we are
The online courses and webinars on grant proposal writing are developed, supervised, and conducted by Dr. Birte Kathage and PD Dr. Reinhard Klein-Arendt. We have been active in the field for over 20 years and work both nationally and internationally – for German funding bodies such as the DFG, BMBF, DAAD, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, VW Foundation, and many more – as well as for scientists and researchers worldwide from all disciplines who want to obtain funding for a research project.
Find more information on our consulting services for grant proposal writing at
Or simply get in touch by e-mail to
We look forward to hearing from you.